Tag: Donald Trump

The Hollywood Hick – Tue 101816 – Trump Pussygate & Azalea vs. Crowe

Trump Breitbart bribery allegations

The Hollywood Hick regales with more tales from the Florida room, spitting distance from Hollywood and Vine!  Why do car dealers and their maintenance service centers make things so mother truckin’ difficult?  Donald Trump’s “pussygate” story is off the charts!…


CrabDiving – Fri 101416 – More Trump Accusers & Bisexual White House Demons

More Trump Accusers

Today’s Crabs feature more and more Trump accusers with sexual harassment/assault claims. The orange a-hole face refuted every one of the claims with disparaging remarks against the accusers’ looks. Trump suggested to Howard Stern back in the day that actress Lindsay Lohan would…
