Tag: fracking

CrabDiving – Tue 031015 – OMG Hillary Deleted Personal Email! Racism in Selma? Judge Loves Fracking Overlords

Clinton Emails Charges

This CrabDiving podcast: Hillary Clinton says there’s no email scandal; an anti-fracking activist is being persecuted by a slimy judge who happens to rent his land for drilling; a court said “we don’t care about your religion, vaccinate those kids”;…


CrabNation Thurs 071014 – RWNJ Tribute; Fracking; Gohmert Proves the Existence Of God; Sarah Palin Should Stop Talking

On this episode, the Crabs pile into the RWNJ clown car with the ridic musings of Keith Ablow, Steve King, and Alex Jones. Also, Louie Gohmert proves the existence of god #LOL. Plus we cover these stories: more that half…