Tag: funny news

CrabDiving – Mon 052421 – Stupidity And Insanity Reign As More Than Half Of Republicans Think Trump Is Still President

Stupidity And Insanity Reign As More Than Half Of Republicans Think Trump Is Still President

Stupidity and insanity reign as more than half of Republicans think Trump is still President. The world condemned Belarus for hijacking a plane and then detaining a dissident and his girlfriend. A pre-pandemic illness suffered by researchers at a Wuhan…


CrabDiving – Thu 031121 – Biden Signed The COVID-19 Relief Bill As GOP Clowns Squeal About The Deficit

Biden signed the COVID-19 relief bill as GOP clowns squeal about the deficit. Colorado announced they’re relaxing coronavirus restrictions at nursing homes. A nasty fecal bacteria has poisoned beaches in Northern Cali but the state government is keeping it on…
