Tag: GOP

CrabDiving – Fri 031415 – Paula Deen App For Racist Foodies, Bryan Fischer Bullies Bilinguals, Penis Transplant

Friday’s Crabs includes a rundown of the top five songs in Murica per Billboard U.S.A., plus these stories: Paula Deen mobile app will mos def appeal to racist foodies; millennials are way more bi; Bryan Fischer floats a stupid theory regarding…


CrabDiving – Wed 031115 – Oklahoma Quits Marriage, Jerk Jindal Wants A Biden Sorry, Bible in Texas Schools

Texas high school prayer - CrabDiving

On Wednesday, the Crabs pinch off the following tales of RWNJ buffoon-ary: good riddance police to chief Thomas Jackson of Ferguson; Okla-coma is so scared of gay marriage, the knuckle-draggers in the state house decided to get rid of weddin’ licenses altogether; nobody…
