Tag: GOP

CrabDiving – Fri 012315 – Mickey Got Measles, White Genocide Ain’t Real, S.P.U.K. No Spew

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The Crabs pinch off the following stories: anti-vaccination numbskulls are bringing measles to Mickey; white supremacists are flinging freezer bags full of rocks, tootsie rolls, and hate newsletters at homes in an attempt to recruit fellow bigots; according to a…


New Poll Reaffirms America’s Colossal Stupidity

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Congratulations, Rupert Murdoch and Matt Drudge!  Your constant barrage of total bullshit to your droolcup-wearing audience has paid off. According to a new poll released by Farleigh Dickinson University, an incredible  51 percent of Republicans believe that it’s “probably” or “definitely”…

CrabDiving – Wed 122414 – First Name Agnes Last Name Jenner, New York No-No’s Fracking, Dude Where’s My Ebola?

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This Wednesday the Crabs cover these stories: Bruce Jenner to be “Agnes”; pastor drops dead singing “Happy”; Indiana lawmaker wants a “protect the manger law”: New York says “eat me” to fracking; Rand Paul busts out his grievances against fellow politicians…


Boehner Bringing Benghazi Back

boehner bringing back benghazi - crabdiving

Despite the recent findings of his own party’s House “Intelligence” Committee confirming – yet again – the non-scandal-ness of the administration’s response to the Benghazi attack, our orange Speaker of the House is insisting he will be continuing the GOP snipe…