Tag: GOP

CrabDiving – Mon 091922 – Trump’s Latest Hate Rally Was More Creepy And Dystopian Than Ever

Trump’s latest hate rally was more creepy and dystopian than ever. Queen Elizabeth was buried following an infinite amount of ceremonies. Shitler hated on Biden bigly for sitting towards the back of the Westminster Abbey for the Queen’s funeral. Hurricane…


CrabDiving – Wed 090722 – Trump Cult Twists Itself Into A Moronic Pretzel Trying To Explain Don’s Top Secret Docs Collection

As the Trump cult twists itself into a moronic pretzel trying to explain Don’s top secret docs collection, we hear material on foreign nations’ nuclear capabilities was found at Shitler’s beach house in Florida. There’s a ton of military and…


CrabDiving – Fri 090222 – FBI Found Empty Folders Marked Classified At Trumps’ Golf Club

Trump Top Secret Documents

The FBI found empty folders marked classified at Trump’s golf club. Crappy fascist and former AG Bill Barr blew up Shitler’s Mara Lago document scandal defense. POTUS defended his blistering anti-MAGAT speech.  Nick Begich aims to spoil loser Palin’s chances…
