Tag: GOP

CrabDiving – Thu 050318 – Crazy Giuliani Media Blitz & House Chaplain Vanquishes Paul Ryan

crazy Giuliani media blitz

The crazy Giuliani media blitz produced some insane soundbites and the Crabs reviewed the former Mayor’s loony verbiage on this episode of CrabDiving.  The Crabs discussed a possible Shitler strategy for the Stormy Daniels scandal. Rudy confided to ham-head-Hannity that…


CrabDiving – Wed 042518 – Kanye and Trump’s Dragon Energy & Mulvaney Admits Pay For Play

kanye trump dragon energy

The Crabs speculated on Kanye and Trump’s dragon energy on this episode. French Grand Poobah Emmanuel Macron delivered a rousing speech to Congress and totally dissed Trumpism. Evil Shitler minion Mick Mulvaney caught crap after admitting lobbyists get more face time…
