Tag: racism

CrabDiving – Wed 112019 – Sondland Buried Trump, Giuliani, Pence, and Pompeo & Trump’s Crazy Notes

Sondland Buried Trump, Giuliani, Pence, and Pompeo

As the sane universe squirted its approval, Sonland buried Trump, Guiliani, Pence and Pompeo. Fox News’ Chris Wallace schooled a colleague on impeachment and the significance of Sonland’s testimony. Shitler sounded like a doped-up desperate Tennessee Williams character as he…


CrabDiving – Mon 100719 – Backstabbing Trump Abandoning Syrian Kurds & Judge Told Trump To Release Taxes

Backstabbing Trump Abandoning Syrian Kurds

Backstabbing Trump abandoning Syrian Kurds was the main headline covered on Monday’s podcast with in-studio guest comedian Michael James Benson. Our Slytherin President hailed his own “great and unmatched wisdom.” Mitt Romney called Cheeto’s Syrian decision a betrayal against the…


CrabDiving – Wed 100219 – Trump’s Psychotic Meltdown As The Finnish President Watched & Alligator-Filled Moots

Trump's Psychotic Meltdown As The Finnish President Watched 2

Trump’s psychotic meltdown as the Finnish President watched was craptastic AF. Shitler said Adam Schiff couldn’t carry Mike Pompeo’s jockstrap, actually “blank”strap, during a meeting in the Oval Office. Cheeto once seriously suggested shooting immigrants coming across the border in…


CrabDiving – Fri 092719 – Support For Impeachment Grows & The NRA Is Drenched In Russian DNA

Support For Impeachment Grows

The support for impeachment grows, jumping twelve points in a new poll. Trump continued his maximum-pressure Twitter war against the universe with a focus on the Dems. A gaggle of former national security officials signed a letter formally poo-pooing Shitler’s…
