Tag: racism

CrabDiving – Wed 080719 – White Supremacists Deny White Supremacy & Greenland Ice Melting Faster Than Thought

White supremacists deny white supremacy cuz bigots must be bigots. El Paso and Dayton said they’d rather not Shitler visit the sites of the recent mass shootings. RWNJ broadcaster loon Michael Savage is disappointed Cheeto “attacked” white supremacists. Since we…


CrabDiving – Tue 073019 – Moscow Mitch Hates Being Called That & Polls Show America Knows Trump Is Racist

Moscow Mitch hates being called that

Moscow Mitch hates being called that. The ACLU said the Trump Administration has separated over 900 kids from families despite a court order telling them to do otherwise. The Crabs previewed the next Democratic Presidential debate. Biden holds the biggest…


CrabDiving – Fri 072619 – Democrats Threaten To Talk About Threatening Impeachment & Trump Scolds FOX For Bad Poll Numbers

Democrats Threaten To Talk About Threatening Impeachment

As Democrats threaten to talk about threatening impeachment, many progressives believe the left should be resisting harder. Jerry Nadler pursued a “de-facto impeachment inquiry,” whatever the hell that means. Some conserv-a-twunts are expressing fear over Kamala Harris, with some GOP…


CrabDiving – Tue 072319 – Unhinged Trump Speech For Conservative Kids & “Britain Trump” Boris Johnson Wins UK PM

Unhinged Trump Speech For Conservative Kids

The unhinged Trump speech for conservative kids was a pure puke producer. Doing their part to skull-“F” the Earth, the UK elected their own Shitler, Boris Johnson. Loser-Nazi Ivanka tweeted a typo in an attempt to congratulate fellow fascist Boris…
