This TGIF episode of the Crabs includes a rundown of the recent Sarah Palin family brawl in Alaska as well as these headlines: we are all purple penguins in the eyes of progressive education; across the pond, a dwarf took…
Thursday’s Crabs included the following stories: Tom Cotton warns of a plan by ISIS and the Cartel to take Arkansas #don’tflatteryourself; Mitch McConnell comes off as a turd on Sports Radio; RWNJ Phyllis Schlafly thinks Obama is turning America into…
Wednesday’s CrabNation delivers these hot items: a couple of extroverts show off their mad humping skills at a #Florida retirement community; Ebola is cleared for take-off; Jay Leno is going to do a show about cars on CNBC #mustnotseeTV; Bryan…
On Tuesday, Pat and Ryan cover the launch of RWNJ Herman Cain’s new cyber channel and the un-heavenly behavior of a certain ex-television minister-dad. The following is also discussed: Peter Labarbera and Pat Robertson still do not support gay marriage…
On Monday, the Crabs cover these stories: some think Ebola in Texas gives Governor Perry a shot at rebuilding his political rep while another RWNJ thinks that anyone who has been exposed or infected should be off’d #oops; the Supreme…
The Crabs bid adieu to the work week with these stories: George Clooney drops what was surely the GDP of a tiny republic on his ridic wedding; Huckabee yuks it up with Pat Robertson whilst dissing the sons of Ishmael;…