CrabNation covers the following on Monday’s episode: a guest puke pundit on Fox News believes Michael Brown was in fact armed because, ya know, he was born black; RWNJ internet radio loony believes a little hamlet in California is infected…
CrabNation welcomes Friday with the following: Uncle Nipples AKA Vladimir Putin exports lead to Ukraine; a Fox News reporter thinks Muslims need a bullet to the head #nice; California bans the Stars And Bars from appearing on anything sold by…
On Thursday’s CrabNation, Pat and Ryan interview British actor Jason Wong from the recently released movie Jarhead 2 and we learn about the acting biz in England, wrestling under the influence of tequila and babes in Bulgaria. We also cover…
CrabNation covers the following on hump day: Pat Robertson has some loony opinions about medicine; Texas Czar, Rick Perry indicted for 2 felonies #ButI’mWhite; Luis Suarez is being given a fourth chance at not biting while playing soccer #ballgag; a…
CrabNation kicks off the work week with the following: Ferguson is finally getting the 411 on what went down when Darrell Wilson gunned down that unarmed kid; RWNJ Larry Klayman wants Obama to rename the oval office “The Black House”…
CrabNation Friday offers the following buffet of tasty news items: a mom is arrested for saying the F-word whilst packing groceries; voter fraud is about as real as a present-day Megalodon; cops shoot a guy in headphones to death #beentheredonethat;…