Tag: RWNJs

CrabDiving – Thu 100820 – Right Wing Militia Terrorists Plotted To Kidnap Michigan’s Governor & Pence’s Fly FTW

Right Wing Militia Terrorists Plotted To Kidnap Michigan's Governor

Right-wing militia terrorists plotted to kidnap Michigan’s governor. The fly that landed on the super stoic head of the Vice President stole the debate buzz. A conserv-a-load caterwauled angry misogyny about Senator Harris’s performance on last night’s match-up. Anti-mask-spreader POTUS…


CrabDiving – Thu 100120 – Putin’s Piglet Trump Doesn’t Want Debates Rules Changed & More QAnon Loons

Putin’s piglet Trump doesn’t want debates rules changed because he’s a fascist man-baby. Because of a disastrous performance at the last debate, Shitler is on the defensive in states where he was previously ahead. Don-the-Con didn’t win Tuesday’s match with…


CrabDiving – Wed 093020 – Trump’s Debate Performance Humiliated Our Country & Rep. Katie Porter Evicerates Big Pharma Jerk

Trump's Debate Performance Humiliated Our Country

Trump’s debate performance humiliated our country and was indeed the worst debate in our nation’s history. Our desperate loser incumbent PEEOTUS encouraged his deplorable MAGAT to engage in voter intimidation at polling places. Vice President Biden rightly told Shitler to…


CrabDiving – Wed 092320 – Trump’s Campaign Is Planning To Steal The Election & Eric Trump Must Give A Deposition

trump is gunning for california's clean air

Trump’s campaign is planning to steal the election. The orange creeper also admitted he was going to stay in The White House with the help of the SCOTUS. A not-so-grand jury indicted a Louisville cop for wanton endangerment relating to…
