Tag: Trump

CrabDiving – Thu 041918 – Giuliani Joining Trump’s Legal Team & Roger Stone Dissed Barbara Bush

GOP Convention Fearmongering - Giuliani

News of Giuliani joining Trump’s legal team broke and Pat regaled listeners with a spot-on imitation. We learned Shitler’s pick to head NASA is climate change denier. Progressive Bernie Sanders signed a marijuana legalization bill. A-hole, racist confederate flag loons…


CrabDiving – Fri 041318 – Commemorative Scott Pruitt Coin & Mueller Has Penis Envy?

scott pruitt coin

The commemorative Scott Pruitt coin was thoroughly crapped upon by the CrabDiving Podcast on Faithless Friday. Shitler pardoned Scooter Libby, cuz political theater. The White House poo-pooed Comey’s new book. Lunatic RWNJ broadcaster Alex Jones hilariously claimed attractive, satanic women…
