Tag: Trump

CrabDiving – Mon 021218 – Trump Plans More Racism & Hakeem Jeffries Pummels Trump’s “Treason” Accusation

Hannity Trump Sucking

Trump plans more racism, which should give his gross, deplorable mouth-breathing base a bigly bigotry boner. The Crabs learned about Trump’s infrastructure scam. Wife of Donald Jr., Vanessa Trump was taken to the hospital after she opened a letter containing…


CrabDiving – Wed 020718 – Record Pelosi Speech On DACA & Trump’s Parade

Pelosi Speech On DACA

GOP White House Staff Secretary and alleged wife-beater Rob Porter resigned, despite the lamentations of Chief of Staff General Kelly. Progressives confronted General Kelly’s racist and insensitive remark regarding Dreamers. Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi issued a demand on immigration, putting…
