Tag: Trump

CrabDiving – Tue 121719 – Trump’s Totally Bonkers Letter To Pelosi & Another Trump Staffer Sentenced

Trump's Totally Bonkers Letter To Pelosi

Trump’s totally bonkers letter to Pelosi was marveled upon on this episode of the CrabDiving Podcast. Shitler’s lunatic lawyer Rudy Giuliani doubled down on his admission that he helped fire Ambassador Yovanovitch because she was preventing Trump’s evil, self-serving agenda…


CrabDiving – Thu 121219 – Elizabeth Warren Slammed Moderates & Lev Parnas Got $1 Million From Russia

Elizabeth Warren Slammed Moderates

Elizabeth Warren slammed moderates. One of Russia’s favorite Republicans, Moscow Mitch, said he would acquit Trump if impeached. Twitter teabagged Shitler for calling Mar a Lago the “Southern White House.” The Crabs played clips from a recent Trump campaign hate…


CrabDiving – Mon 120919 – Inspector General Report Broke QAnon Hearts & Matt Gaetz Is A Tool

Inspector General Report Broke QAnon Hearts

Today’s release of the Inspector General report broke QAnon hearts, finding “no political bias” inthe Russia investigation. Trump blathered that the IG report was evidence of an attempted overthrow by Obama and Company. Fashionable fascist Ivanka and super-spy Christopher Steel…


CrabDiving – Mon 120219 – Zelenskyy Complained About Trump & Martin O’Malley For The Win

Zelenskyy Complained About Trump

Zelenskyy complained about our crappy president and how man-baby was a horrendous strategic partner. Shitler lied about being exonerated for any abuse of power for personal gain. MSNBC guy Chuck Todd challenged Senator John Kennedy on his obviously baseless Ukraine…


CrabDiving – Wed 112019 – Sondland Buried Trump, Giuliani, Pence, and Pompeo & Trump’s Crazy Notes

Sondland Buried Trump, Giuliani, Pence, and Pompeo

As the sane universe squirted its approval, Sonland buried Trump, Guiliani, Pence and Pompeo. Fox News’ Chris Wallace schooled a colleague on impeachment and the significance of Sonland’s testimony. Shitler sounded like a doped-up desperate Tennessee Williams character as he…
