You Must Believe In A Creator To Get Equal Treatment In Greece, NY

Here in the United States the government now promotes religion over non-belief.  The lovely town of Greece, New York has officially declared itself a theocracy.

The town that sued to be able to force religious invocations at public meetings upon all non-believers has put together its “Believers Only” criteria for offering magic spells before TAXPAYER-FUNDED government meetings.

The black-robed religio-fascists of the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the town.  Justice Kennedy, considered the “swing vote”, on the Court moronically thought the Christian majority wouldn’t do its best to exclude as many others as possible.

“Kennedy, writing for the majority, wrote that he hoped Greece ‘would welcome a prayer by any minister or layman who wished to give one.'”

Is Justice Kennedy really that fucking stupid as to think this would not happen after the theocrats won the Greece v. Galloway decision?

So now, thanks to the Scalia Brigade, the town has instituted a policy of “No Non-Believers Allowed”.

This is yet more proof that the fake persecution of the “War on Christianity” is actually a “War OF Christianity”.

Dominionism.  Coming soon to your town.

Greece New York No Non-Believers Allowed

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