Supreme Court May Cram Wrinkled White Weenie of Dominionism Into Us All

Sit back, folks, and watch as the Supreme Court shoves the wrinkled, old, white weenie of the Christian Taliban down our throats, and the insidious Dominionists continue to spread their cancerous, theocratic agenda.

Oral arguments were heard recently in the Hobby Lobby case.  If you are unfamiliar, it is a case where poor, faux-persecuted, evangelically-owned companies are squealing because the Affordable Care Act (also known as Commie-Socialist-Negro-Muslim-in-Charge Care) will force the insurance they provide to their employees to also cover… GASP… contraceptives.

And, in typically moronic, fundamentalist fashion, these New Puritans completely ignore scientific fact and label some contraceptives as baby-killing abortion bombs.  Unsurprising science denial from pinheads who believe Adam and Eve played fetch with a pet triceratops, and that the theory of evolution was spawned by Satan.

Hobby Lobby supreme court contraception - CrabDiving

The women of the top Court seemed to come out swinging in favor of reason during the arguments, but the ever-pivotal vote of Justice Kennedy appears to be sliding toward Dominionism, especially if he really believes the lies and pseudo-science and is convinced it is ultimately a case about abortion.

Watch out, non-believers.  If these evil fuckwads get their way, soon this really will be a “Christian Nation” and we can welcome the Jesus version of Sharia Law:

  • Make sure those skirts cover those ankles, ladies!
    • Stay at home and shut the hell up, too!
  • Christian businesses can ban who they please, but nobody can ban a Christian!
  • Two allowed music choices: Christian, Country.
  • All history books replaced by the Bible.
  • All science books replaced by the Bible.
  • In fact, let’s ban ALL books besides the Bible.
  • All homos please prepare for, uhhhh… “relocation”.
  • etc., etc., etc.

Always keep in mind the Christian Dominionists’ chilling rallying cry:

“It’s freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion.”


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