Brave Sam Zell, Another Persecuted Billionaire Cries Out for Equality

Billionaire Sam Zell was asked his opinion on fellow rich, white guy Tom Perkins’ recent remarks on how the rich are like the Jews in pre-War Germany.

His response is a priceless display of the clueless disconnect suffered by many of our world herd of gazillionaires.

“The one percent are getting pummeled because it’s politically convenient to do so,” Zell said, in an interview with on Bloomberg TV’s Betty Liu. “The world and this country should not talk about envy of the one percent, it should talk about emulating the one percent.”

Yes, Sam.  Tell us how the huddled masses should behave like you guys.

This deluded asshole then spelled out the beliefs of his reptilian kind in simple terms:

“The one percent work harder, the one percent are much bigger factors in all forms of our society,” Zell said.

Sam Zell one percent works harder - crabdiving

There you go.  So people like the evil Koch brothers, who were born into their wealth, work harder than say, your average coal miner, teacher, ditch digger, waitress, etc.  And the second half of that sentence lets us know that we should just shut the fuck up because our benevolent, corporate overlords really are more important than the rest of us.

I was trying to think of something witty to write but all I can come up with is:

Fuck Sam Zell.  Seriously.

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