Category: CrabDiving Progressive Radio Podcast

Welcome to the CrabDiving progressive radio podcast!

The best political podcasts out there! Commie pinko atheist liberals, Ryan Pfeiffer and Patrick Viall present their hilarious daily, internet talk radio show, laughing and raging about politics, news, pop culture, religion and more.

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CrabDiving – Tue 122920 – Moscow Mitch Blocked $2000 Stimulus Checks & Sad, Hotel-less Proud Boys

Moscow Mitch Blocked $2000 Stimulus Checks

Moscow Mitch blocked $2000 stimulus checks, and exactly nobody was surprised. Trump blasted the GOP for its weak and tired congressional leadership. A GOP pollster said the stimulus check demand was a nightmare for the Republicans. Bag of wombat ejaculate…


CrabDiving – Mon 122820 – Trump Caved and Signed The Coronavirus Stimulus Bill & Nashville 5G Terrorist

Trump Caved and Signed The Coronavirus Stimulus Bill

Trump caved and signed the coronavirus stimulus bill. The House passed a bill to increase the stimulus checks to $2000. President-Elect Biden said the Shitler Administration was obstructing the transition. The Nashville bomber told a neighbor the world would never…


CrabDiving – Wed 122420 – Democrats Agree With Trump On $2000 Stimulus Checks & Kirk Cameron COVID Carols

Democrats agree with Trump on $2000 stimulus checks. Cocaine Mitch and crappy Kevin McCarthy are catching well-deserved heat for obstructing pandemic aid. The latest strain of coronavirus has been attacking young adults in South Africa. Americans have slowly grown more…


CrabDiving – Tue 122220 – Walmart Sued For Contributing To The Opioid Crisis & Mutant Coronavirus Probably Here

Headlines of Walmart sued for contributing to the opioid crisis were welcomed by CrabDiving today. A mutant COVID strain has already started in the U.S. Armed domestic terrorists attempted to storm the Oregon State Capitol Building and used chemical weapons…


CrabDiving – Mon 122120 – Trump Cabal Tried To Cripple The CDC’s Coronavirus Response & Three Martini Lunch Tax Break

Trump Cabal Tried To Cripple The CDC’s Coronavirus Response copy

The Trump cabal tried to cripple the CDC’s coronavirus response. A new strain of COVID-19 showed up in Denmark, The Netherlands, and Australia. A megachurch pastor did some mega spreading and not in a fun way. While America battles the…


CrabDiving – Fri 121820 – Vaccine Is Sitting In Warehouses Thanks To Trump Incompetence & Space Force Guardians

Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is sitting in warehouses thanks to Trump incompetence. Greedy rich a-holes have resorted to bribing doctors to get the jab early. Our nuclear weapons department was hacked bigly. Cowardly conservative Supremes voted to punt on an important…
