Category: CrabDiving Progressive Radio Podcast

Welcome to the CrabDiving progressive radio podcast!

The best political podcasts out there! Commie pinko atheist liberals, Ryan Pfeiffer and Patrick Viall present their hilarious daily, internet talk radio show, laughing and raging about politics, news, pop culture, religion and more.

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CrabDiving Progressive Radio PodcastDon’t forget to listen to all the other great podcasts here on the CrabDiving Network!

CrabDiving – Thu 091919 – Trump Whistleblower Complaint Scandal & Human LARPer Stephen Miller Is Dating

Trump Whistleblower Complaint Scandal

The Trump whistleblower complaint scandal was the center of the spirited convo on Thursday’s liberal podcast. House Intelligence Committee Chairman, Democrat Adam Schiff threatened to sue to get to the bottom of the covered-up complaint. Oxy swallower Rush Limbaugh poo-poo’d…


CrabDiving – Wed 091819 – Trump Is Gunning For California’s Clean Air & Ingraham Isn’t Trump-sucking Enough for Hannity

trump is gunning for california's clean air

Trump is gunning for California’s clean air, threatening to force the state to allow dirtier cars so his Big Oil buddies can rake in more profits. Israel’s elections left Bibi Netanyahu without enough seats to form a government.  Roy Moore…


CrabDiving – Tue 091719 – Lewandowski Was Predictably Dickish & Ft. Lauderdale Airport Pirates

Lewandowski Was Predictably Dickish

Corey Lewandowski was predictably dickish while testifying before the House Judiciary Committee, claiming some sort of faux executive privilege. The election in Israel is a real squeaker, with that load Bibi Netanyahu tied with his opponent in exit polls. We…


CrabDiving – Mon 091619 – Another Kavanaugh Misconduct Story & Trump Wants Obama Investigated

kavanaugh vote delayed

There’s another Kavanaugh misconduct story and the adults in our government called for friend-of-Squee’s impeachment. Eight years of Trump tax returns were subpoenaed by the Manhattan D.A. Trump called on the House to investigate Obama’s book and Netflix deals. Former…


CrabDiving – Fri 091319 – Beto Says “Hell Yes” We’re Taking Your AR15 & Emoluments Suit Continues

Beto Says Hell Yes We're Taking Your AR15

Beto says “Hell yes” we’re taking your AR 15 and the Crabs played the applause sound cue. Debate analysis from the Houston face-off pointed to a three-person race. Candidate Andrew Yang announced he was giving away “freedom dividends” during his…


CrabDiving – Thu 091219 – Democrats Outlined Impeachment Hearings & More Evil North Carolina GOP Shenanigans

Democrats Outlined Impeachment Hearings

The democrats outlined impeachment hearings, inching closer to thinking about impeaching Trump. A court blocked an evil GOP law in Tennessee meant to suppress voter registration. The GOP of North Carolina pulled a crap veto override while Democratic legislators were…
