CrabDiving – Fri 060724 – Alex Jones Will Have To Sell InfoWars

Alex Jones will have to sell InfoWars and the giant-faced hate-caster turned in many Oscar-worthy sobs. A former Alito law clerk seemed surprised about the Supreme’s insurrectionist tendencies. UK media execs have been trying to turn US media into a tabloid circus. Philly set an attendance record for a drag story time event. An attempted bribe didn’t stop a jury from turning in a guilty verdict in a massive fraud scheme. Blotch-Nazi, Steve Bannon, was ordered to report to jail for ignoring congressional subpoenas. Hitler enthusiast podcaster Stew Peters defended book burnings in Nazi Germany. A Jersey businessman testified bribed Senator Menendez with a Mercedes. Irrelevant comedian Rob Schneider was ousted from a corporate gig for blathering anti-trans and anti-vaccine drivel. Owl-faced Dr. Phil interviewed the former guy and got the plump former POTUS to admit he doesn’t talk to Melania. alex jones must sell InfoWars


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