CrabDiving – Fri 062124 – Trump’s Pocket Judge Aileen Cannon Keeps Slowing The Trial Down

Trump’s pocket judge Aileen Cannon keeps slowing the trial down. Shitler’s crappy “platform” Truth Social suffered a huge loss in the stock market. The MAGATS may have tipped their hand, as the Trump campaign accidentally leaked the purchase of a “Trump, Burgum 2024” website. A former clerk of Sith Lord SCOTUS Thomas said the spiteful justice actually said he wants to make liberals miserable. The SCROTUS did a good thing by upholding Biden’s domestic gun violence restriction. The price of a house is through the roof. A toddler was stuck in a Tesla with a dead battery because Elon sucks. People are dying during the Hajj due to extreme high temperatures. GOP ninny Kevin McCarthy explained he’s not speaker anymore because Matt Gaetz slept with a 17 year old. It’s hot AF outside.




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