CrabDiving – Fri 122316 – Hateful Christians & Man-Baby Trump Goes Nuclear

The hateful Christians covered on this Faithless Friday edition of the CrabDiving Podcast obviously never ask themselves the question, “What would Jesus Do?” Senator Jeff Merkley said President elect Trump has the maturity of a five year old. Obama took a stand against future Israeli settlements into Palestine. Pat and Ryan sent out positive, Crabby vibes to Carrie Fisher who suffered a serious heart attack while airborne. On Morning Joe, Shitler double-downed on his scary comments regarding a nuclear arms race. Actor Alec Baldwin trolled the orange a-hole face by offering to sing “Highway To Hell” at the inauguration.

Faithless Friday brings us RWNJ Christo dolt Bryan Fischer puking forth confused and ignorant musings regarding the rights of trans and LGBT people. The diabolically violent and quite gross Jesus thug Theodore Shoebat heartlessly admonished a brave transgender child for speaking out. We learned that Christians, more than any other religious group on the freaking planet, are the most uneducated. A repugnant pastor beat a 12 year-old with pieces of wood and an electrical cord for “testing god.” It was revealed that less and less British people are buying into the whole sky god dealio. Just as he dumbly did in 2016, conservatwunt Governor of Kentucky claimed 2017 to be the “year of the Bible.”

hateful christians

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