There is no collusion but Trump was “not exonerated” according to the Barr summary. Conserva-twunt Lindsey Graham blathered some crap about an investigation into the FBI’s role in the 2016 election. The two-faced dandy Trump-sucker also mouth puked lies about his involvement with the late John McCain and the infamous dossier. A Republi-twunt suggested Mueller holding back his report enabled the blue wave at the midterms. Idiot mouth-breathers are even suggesting, in light of the Barr summary, to call for an investigation of Obama. . . wut? Ham-necked FOXbot Sean Hannity caterwauled about Flynn’s conviction, saying he should be pardoned because of Barr’s loony summary. The Cheeto campaign sent a memo to major news outlets demanding certain Dems not be allowed on the air because they aren’t “credible.” New Zealand’s quick banning of military assault rifles was characterized as tyranny by a d-bag on NRA TV. Finally, Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avennati got arrested for fraud and other shenanigans related to shady lawyering.
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