Trump’s increasingly dangerous lies, this time at one of his Nuremberg rallies in Wisconsin, are going to get someone killed. Former VP Joe Biden got a union endorsement in Pittsburgh. The measles continue to spread in America. . . thanks antivaxxers! Shitler spun an amazingly false narrative about newborn baby murders. The director of Boyz n the Hood, John Singleton died of a stroke. Governor Cuomo took zero crap from Trump regarding a New York state investigation into the NRA. Goober Louie Gohmert blathered on about the greatness of PEEOTUS and then reminded us to not blame Cheeto for the Synagogue shooting over the weekend. Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren said she plans to wipe out most student debt if elected. The murderous racist that shot people at the Synagogue last weekend released an insane, white supremacist manifesto. Some female Iowa voters say they are scared a woman couldn’t beat man-baby, despite Hillary winning the popular vote in the 2016 election. Sith Lord Wayne LaPierre claims he was exhorted by felon Oliver North in an attempted power grab within the death-halls of the NRA.
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