R. Kelly was convicted and hopefully Matt Gates is next. Mike Pompeo considered kidnapping and then assassinating Julian Assange. Morgues in Idaho are chockablock full of Covid victims. Actor William Shatner is going to space. The Crabs covered elections in Germany. An anti-woman load in Texas defended the abortion ban and then said some weird crap about rape. Right-wing nut job a-hole Josh Bernstein has been suffering from Covid and it’s kind of sad but funny as well. Former national security advisor and traitor Mike Flynn shared an extra crazy anti-masker post. The Crabs reviewed the Karen video at a dog park. There is a horrific rash of snake attacks in India and oddly enough people are super concerned about rescuing the snakes. Infowar’s Alex Jones covered the plight of a loony Australian activist inciting riots against coronavirus restrictions. Also, the guy that shot Reagan back in the day is being released.
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