Unhinged Trump attacked McCain again and the Crabs played clips of the cruelly insane audio. Shitler let Mr. Kellyanne Conway have it, calling the never-Trumper a “whack job”. Cocaine Mitch stupidly suggested an expansion of voting rights for Americans is socialism. Special Counsel Mueller announced he’s been a busy bee as of late. Because it’s a day ending in “y,” we learned of yet another White House scandal, this time involving Trump’s interim Secretary of Defense. Mystery parties have tried to keep elements of the Epstein underage sex trafficking scandal secret. Owner of the Patriots, Bob Kraft won’t accept a deal where he would have to admit guilt in his part in the jack shack scandal. RWNJ hateful GOP loads in Illinois introduced a bill which would punish doctors who provide healthcare to young trans people. Four a-hole states passed anti-choice bills in Murica. A dude in Texas discovered a coven of rattlesnakes lying in wait beneath his once safe and secure home. An Oklahoma sheriff resigned over horrid jail conditions. Prune-faced conserva-twunt Pat Robertson offered that lesbian and gay people exist because we have lost sight of sky-god, womp womp. The Crabs reviewed a list of happiest countries and the U.S. was nowhere near the top… winning!
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