On this episode of the progressive podcast, Trump claims windmill noise causes cancer. Ancient GOP skesis Chuck Grassley disagreed with Cheeto’s windmill theory, characterizing it as “idiotic.” A columnist described Joe Biden’s behavior as “benevolent sexism.” The House Judiciary committee prepared to subpoena the full Mueller Report. Eight Republicans voted to not scrap Obamacare. Celebrities called for a boycott of businesses owned by Brunei over the country’s death penalty for gay and lesbians. Theresa May was accused of betraying her own party by reaching out to liberals for a Brexit solution. GOP yak load Paul Ryan moaned that progressive firebrand AOC ignored his dumb advice. In a Bizzaro World moment, former Fox-dick Billy O’Reilly defended Biden for all the wrong reasons. Fascist GOP wankers from Georgia have proposed a journalism ethics board. The Donald whined that Puerto Rico’s hurricane recovery was too expensive and costing our farmers. Republi-twunts triggered the nuclear option to speed up Drumpf’s judicial picks. . . puke. Finally, the House Dems demanded 45’s tax returns.
More of this funny progressive podcast in the archives!
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