CrabDiving – Wed 070324 – Michelle Obama Would Kick Trump’s Sorry Saggy Fascist Butt

MIchelle Obama would kick Trump’s sorry saggy fascist butt. A new poll says most Americans think President Biden isn’t fit for another term but he’s still neck and neck with Shitler.  Meanwhile, the dude with the calcified worm in his brain who is running as a third party option, RFK Jr. denied he ate a dog despite pics. Tooty Rudy Giuliani was disbarred in the state of New York but was hired by pillow Czar Mike Lindell’s network. The White House put forth rules to protect workers from extreme heat. A MAGAT GOP load blocked funding for a football stadium unless the Washington Commanders revert back to their old name.  Lunatic white supremacist podcaster Stew Peters promoted some dumb antiemetic film. The profit margins for Christian Dior bags are nuts and Italian authorities are examining the designers unfair labor practices. A gigantic male boa crapped out 14 babies and the state of North Carolina has failed to protect citizens from poisonous snakes as bites have it an all time high.



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