CrabDiving – Wed 081424 – Make Popcorn To Watch The Trumptanic Sink Like Nothing Has Ever Sunk Before

Making popcorn to watch the Trumptanic sink like nothing has ever sunk before. Trump, AKA Diaper Don, has burned through Pampers in a way the world has seen. Also, man-baby is bigly angry-pants over the craptastic performance of vapid VP pick, J.D. Vance. Human cosplay load Nick Fuentes and his band of low functioning incels are enraged over the shadow-banning they’ve suffered on Truth Social. That rapist running for POTUS said he’ll sue the DOJ for $100 million damages related to the Mara Lago FBI raid. Canada has been prepping for the arrival of a new virus which will be worse than COVID. The Congo has been smacked with an outbreak of Mpox and civil war. The Crabs learned how a historian uncovered a recording of a conversation between Reagan and Nixon, where the co-star of Bedtime For Bonzo blathered the dumbest, most racist garbage ever.



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