CrabNation – 080614 – Harry Potter Vs. Bible, Bieber Foils Bear Attack, Chicago White Sox LGBT Night

CrabNation covers the following stories on hump-day; Harry Potter is as good or better than the “word of God” in Sioux Falls #Dumbledore; the Chicago White Sox are having an LGBT night despite straight-white-male push-back; a bear attacking a Russian fisherman is scared off by Bieber; Uganda supreme court strikes down ridic anti-homosexuality act; Ted Nugent uses a racial slur #shocker; John Hagee tells his sheeple that pedophile immigrant welfare boogie men are destroying #Murica. Finally, the Crabs shed 0.0 tears over the failure of Show-Me-Your-Papers-Sherrif Joe Arpaio citizen’s grand jury.

Listen—> CrabNation Wednesday, August 06, 2014

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