Fuck Middleborough, Massachusetts and Its Anti-Swearing Law

So along with “free speech zones” comes another urination upon the First Amendment by those who would like to tell you how and where you can speak.

Once again, like whether to allow gay people to marry, rights have been put up to a popular vote, and the tight-assed ninnies of Middleborough, Massachusetts have voted to smite the rampaging pottymouths that are terrorizing their quaint little hamlet.

Apparently aimed at gangs of miscreant youths that violently hurl profanities at each other and the fragile ears of Middleborough residents, the town of 22,000 voted 183-50 to impose a $20 fine on anyone caught saying a naughty word in public.

And, in a move that always speaks of freedom and civil rights, the words that will be categorized as profanity will be “left up to the discretion of the police”.

So, if you decide that something is “crap”, and proclaim that belief loudly enough on the street in Middleborough, some cranky cop has the authority to decide that the word “crap” is offensive, and can slap you with a ticket.

How long before “the government sucks” and “I don’t like the President” become “offensive” terms and subject to police action?

Therefore I send a a giant, resounding “FUCK YOU” to the residents of Middleborough, Mass., that want to legislate rude behavior and bad taste, and who voted for this idiotic regulation.

Good thing those pinheads don’t have power over the internet, or soon I could find myself branded as a criminal just for typing that.


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