KVoice, A Voice of Resistance – Fri 03/23/18

This is your Resistance Podcast. Studies have shown that Liberals and Conservatives have different brains. One of the two is more susceptible to the power of suggestion. We tell you which one and why. We discuss Cambridge Analytica’s psychological warfare campaign. We look into how climate change affects the east coast’s nor’easters. 20,000 Republicans in Illinois voted for an actual Nazi and the Democrats voted for Dan Lepinski who beat his progressive challenger. Lepinski opposes abortion rights, LGBTQ rights, immigrants’ rights, a $15 minimum wage, and voted against the Affordable Care Act! The House, with the help of a majority of Democrats, voted to gut Dodd Frank even further. We have ourselves a brand new Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection named Kevin McAleenan. There was another school shooting this week. We discuss the huge step YouTube took that has ammosexuals very pissed off. Donald voted his national security adviser, H.R. McMaster, off the island on Thursday and named John Bolton to succeed him. We’ll tell you all you don’t want to know about this dangerous man.

On March 24, this Saturday, the kids and families of the Never Again movement will take to the streets for the March For Our Lives, demanding that their lives and safety become a priority, and that we end gun violence in our schools and communities. There are 832 satellite marches across the world. Go to https://marchforourlives.com/ and find a march near you. Enough is enough! It is time we put an end to the mass epidemic of gun deaths in America. #RESIST

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