Tag: guns

CrabDiving – Mon 090219 – Cartoonish Gunhumping Texas Republicans & Tony Perkins Blames Mass Shootings On Teaching Evolution

Cartoonish Gunhumping Texas Republicans

Cartoonish gunhumping Texas Republicans have made the gross calculation that dead Americans are a fair price to pay for their precious Second Amendment rights. This past weekend’s mass shooter was fired four hours before he went on a murderous rampage…


CrabDiving – Wed 080719 – White Supremacists Deny White Supremacy & Greenland Ice Melting Faster Than Thought

White supremacists deny white supremacy cuz bigots must be bigots. El Paso and Dayton said they’d rather not Shitler visit the sites of the recent mass shootings. RWNJ broadcaster loon Michael Savage is disappointed Cheeto “attacked” white supremacists. Since we…
