KVoice, A Voice of Resistance – Wed 04/11/18

On this episode of KVoice of Resistance Podcast we learn from Breitbart that feminists are witches who are putting hexes on 45! Arizona just screwed over thousands of DACA students. In the filling the swamp department, a dept of the Interior employee, named Kevin Sabo, who promoted Parkland conspiracies, was convicted of cutting his ex-girlfriend’s brakes in 2000. So you know, more of the same. We discuss the Texas Maverick Doctor who married his 15 year old stepdaughter. We remind everyone that if Trump fires Mueller we take to the streets! Is the Democratic party in too much disarray to win in November? We destroy that media talking point with the help of Charlie Pierce of Esquire. We take a real look at the “caravan” of Central Americans seeking asylum in our country and in Mexico. There are 100,000 new voters in California. We tell you who they are. Congress is back in session, so we discuss what is on the docket! Finally, this Saturday is the March For Science! From Washington D.C. to Abuja, Nigeria, science supporters across the globe are mobilizing. Find an event near you! #resist

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