More Gross News About Restaurants

There’s more gross news about restaurants and we can thank the “Fast Food Workers Of Reddit”.  The group responded to the following question, “What should we NOT order at your restaurant? Why not?”  This thread is very popular and so dense it’s impossible to read if you have to work for a living.

McDonalds Sales


Luckily “Stupid News” AKA USA Today picked some highlights from this truly horrifying discussion. The one in bold really bums me out as I dig their Tuna sandwich – oh well…

USA Today List:

1. McDonald’s chicken nuggets and any McCafe drink. You can ask for fresh nuggets, but avoid the fancy beverages. Apparently, the machines are hard to clean.

2. Subway egg and tuna salad sandwiches. The salads come from a bag and are heavily mixed with mayonnaise. The cold cuts are kept in a smelly syrup.

3. Pizza Hut pizza. Chances are the dough is old, oily and handled without gloves.

4. KFC’s BBQ sandwich. The chicken is too old to even give away. It’s soaked in barbecue sauce until it can be pulled apart.

5. Wendy’s chili. The beef comes from old, dried-up meat on the grill that’s re-heated.

Sidebar: There’s also a ton of chatter on this Reddit thread regarding the “Starbucks Secret Menu“. I used to sling that over-priced swill and to those that ask a barista to concoct one of these bullshit-beverages from the oh-so secretive menu, “You aren’t special or interesting.” Seriously, burn in your own hell of choice. I am not paid enough to explain to your Michael Bublé listening ass that a “Captain Crunch Frappuccino” is not  a thing that exists. #noonelikesyou

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