R. Kelly was convicted and hopefully Matt Gates is next. Mike Pompeo considered kidnapping and then assassinating Julian Assange. Morgues in Idaho are chockablock full of Covid victims. Actor William Shatner is going to space. The Crabs covered elections in…
CrabDiving – Fri 092421 – Arizona GOP Fraudit Is A Bust But MAGA Morons Claim Victory
The Arizona GOP fraudit is a bust but MAGA morons claim victory still. Chris Cuomo has been hit with sexual harassment allegations. A COVID cure might exist in bats, the only mammal with nipples that can fly. Elon Musk and…
CrabDiving – Wed 092221 – Crazy Trump Seditionists Had A Six-Point Plan To Steal The Election
CrabDiving – Mon 092021 – GOP SCOTUS Theocrats Will Take Up A Mississippi Law That May Overturn Roe v Wade
Theocrats will take up a Mississippi law that may overturn Roe v Wade. The world’s wealthiest families made fat cash during the pandemic. Beto announced he’s running for governor. The lawyer for Alan Weisselberg said he thinks more indictments are…
CrabDiving – Fri 091721 – GOP Christian Extremists Like Kristi Noem Want To Force Their Religion On Us All
GOP Christian extremists like Kristi Noem want to force their religion on us all. The FDA rejected the Pfizer booster vaccine. Fascist Pillow Czar Mike Lindell has been begging FOX to air his ads after yanking them most publicly and…