CrabDiving – Wed 062420 – Trump’s Covidiots Are Squealing About Wearing Masks & More Bad Polls For The GOP

Trump's Covidiots Are Squealing About Wearing Masks

Trump’s covidiots are squealing about wearing masks. A California man with coronavirus symptoms infected lots at a large family gathering he attended. Newsom’s state experienced the highest daily jump in cases since this crap started. Biden continued the tea-bagging of…


CrabDiving – Tue 062320 – The EU May Ban Travelers From The US & More Emboldened Racists Caught On Video

The EU May Ban Travelers From The US

The EU may ban travelers from the U.S. because we have sucked bad at flattening our COVID-19 curve. The Mississippi Governor opposes a separate but equal second state flag. Adult actor Ron Jeremy was charged with four counts of sexual…


CrabDiving – Mon 062220 – Trump’s Empty Tulsa Rally Capped Off His Very Bad Week & COVID-19 Is A “Forest Fire”

trump tulsa rally fail

Trump’s empty Tulsa rally capped off his very bad week. The White House claimed Shitler was being hyperbolic about slowing coronavirus testing to improve infection numbers. A fight over new mask rules in Arizona popped off. Dr. Michael Osterholm offered…


CrabDiving – Fri 061920 – Trump Threatened Protesters Before His Tulsa Hate Rally & COVID-19 Keeps Ticking

trump voter fraud tantrum

Trump threatened protesters before his Tulsa hate rally. The Oklahoma Supremes said the Shitler minions invading the state’s largest city for an unnecessary campaign event – that will most likely turn into a super-spreader moment – don’t have to wear…


CrabDiving – Thu 061820 – Roberts Rebuked Kavanaugh In The SCOTUS Ruling On DACA & FOX Lawyer Says Tucker Carlson Isn’t News

kavanaugh vote delayed

Chief Justice Roberts rebuked Kavanaugh in the SCOTUS ruling on DACA. The Book Of Face removed a Trump political ad featuring a Nazi symbol. Bolton’s big book got a reaction out of Twitler. Repulsive Republican Matt Gaetz shocked Twitter by…
