CrabDiving – Tue 030320 – High Stakes Super Tuesday & Chris Matthews “Retires” After Latest Sexism Accusations

High Stakes Super Tuesday

High stakes super Tuesday was the main topic of discussion on today’s episode of the CrabDiving Podcast. In Miami, a woman presented with all the symptoms of coronavirus but was denied a test cuz that’s how we MAGA. Republican Senatorial…


CrabDiving – Mon 030220 – Buttigieg and Klobuchar Endorsed Joe Biden & Hillary Clinton Will Be Deposed About Her Emails… Again

Buttigieg and Klobuchar Endorsed Joe Biden

Buttigieg and Klobuchar endorsed Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee for President almost immediately after each one dropped out of the race. A judge ordered Madame Secretary Hillary Clinton to come in and talk about her emails yet again. At…


CrabDiving – Fri 022820 – Coronavirus Is Spreading Despite What Trump Says & Court Stops Evil GOP Wisconsin Voter Purge

Coronavirus Is Spreading Despite What Trump Says

Coronavirus is spreading despite what Trump says, and his vile toadies are trying to spin. As the markets plummet due to pandemic fears, Trump now owns the top eight single-day drops in the Dow Jones. A panel of judges tossed…


CrabDiving – Thu 022720 – Morons Are Avoiding Corona Beer & YouTube Beat Right Wingnuts In Court

Morons Are Avoiding Corona Beer

Morons are avoiding corona beer because of the virus and because they’re morons. We had the first case of the coronavirus in ‘Murica where the origin is unknown. Mother’s Husband Mike Pence was named coronavirus czar. A whistleblower from HHS…


CrabDiving – Wed 022620 – Chaotic South Carolina Democratic Debate & Will Trump Leave When He Loses?

Chaotic South Carolina Democratic Debate

The chaotic South Carolina Democratic debate was reviewed on this episode of the CrabDiving Podcast. Some tickets prices were insanely high for the South Carolina showdown, which meant there were a lot of wealthy Bloomberg supporters in the room. Former…
