CrabDiving – Tue 021120 – Roger Stone Prosecutors Quit The Corrupt DOJ & Russian State TV Mocks Trump

Roger Stone Prosecutors Quit The Corrupt DOJ

Bill Barr’s shameless meddling in their sentencing guidelines forced a group of Roger Stone prosecutors quit the corrupt DOJ. The Crabs watched the voting get underway in the New Hampshire primary. Candidate Mike Bloomberg was outed on a tape blathering…


CrabDiving – Fri 020720 – Patriot Lt. Col. Vindman Was Escorted From The White House & Lizzo’s Satanic Booty

Patriot Lt. Col. Vindman Was Escorted From The White House

Trump’s long knives came out as true patriot Lt. Col. Vindman was escorted from the White House after being reassigned. Bernie Sanders knocked Pete Buttigieg for having loads of billionaire donors. Like his orange main client, lawyer Jay Sekulow is…


CrabDiving – Thu 020620 – Trump Crowed Over His Acquittal In Insane Speeches & Iowa Gets Canvassed

Trump Crowed Over His Acquittal In Insane Speeches

Trump crowed over his acquittal in insane speeches today and the Crabs played a bunch of unhinged clips. Shitler’s Rose Garden speech and his same-day ramblings at the National Prayer breakfast were whacko-crazy. Florida GOP load Matt Gaetz lodged a…


CrabDiving – Wed 020520 – Senate Republicans (Except Romney) Vote Trump Is Above The Law & Another Nutso SOTU

Senate Republicans (Except Romney) Vote Trump Is Above The Law

As Senate Republicans (except Romney) vote Trump is above the law, the Senator from Utah delivered the only GOP guilty vote. Shart-face Don Jr. cried for the GOP to expel Mittens after the Utah Senator voted to convict Shitler. Iowa…
