CrabDiving – Wed 061919 – Another Tired Trump Racist Hate Rally & Falwell Jr.’s Poolboy

Another Tired Trump Racist Hate Rally

Another tired Trump racist rally popped off in Murica. At Shitler Fest, a vile deplorable was arrested for smacking the phone from a reporter’s hand. Fellow Dems slammed former VP Biden for wistfully reminiscing about his time in the legislature…


CrabDiving – Tue 061819 – Racist Trump Still Thinks The Central Park Five Are Guilty & Alex Jones Sanctioned

Racist Trump Still Thinks The Central Park Five Are Guilty

Racist Trump still thinks the Central Park Five are guilty because our rapist-in-chief is a sad, pathetic bigot. The Orlando Sentinel endorsed “not Donald Trump” for President. The Shilter-sucking Proud Boys were stopped by the cops before inflicting violence upon…


CrabDiving – Mon 061719 – Lying Trump Says Polls Showing Him Losing Are Fake & SCOTUS Punts Again On Bigot Bakers

Lying Trump Says Polls Showing Him Losing Are Fake

Lying Trump says polls showing him losing are fake. For leaking unflattering internal polling results, Shitler fired the polling firm Kellyanne Conway created. Even Faux News polls reveal Trump lags behind Biden, Warren, and Sanders. Intelligence officials don’t want to…


CrabDiving – Fri 061419 – Democratic Debates Lineup & Trump Compared Melanie To Jackie O

Democratic debates lineup

The Democratic debates lineup was announced and the Crabs reviewed the two rosters. Trump called George Stephanopoulos a “little wise guy” during an exclusive sit down interview. Even though she violated the Hatch Act, man-baby can’t quit Kelleyanne Conway. The…


CrabDiving – Thu 061319 – Traitor Trump Welcomes Foreign Election Meddling & The DNC Named The 20 Debate Candidates

Traitor Trump Welcomes Foreign Election Meddling

The traitor Trump welcomes foreign election meddling, saying it out loud in an interview with George Stephanopoulos. Shilter’s mouth-piece, AKA Sarah Sanders, is saying “Bye Felicia” to Cheeto’s White House. With well-deserved skepticism, the U.S. blamed Iran for new attacks…
