CrabDiving – Fri 122118 – GOP Scrambles To Avoid Trump Shutdown & Atheism Growing Less Politically Toxic

gop scrambles to avoid trump shutdown

As the the GOP scrambles to avoid Trump shutdown it seems pretty pointless. Our so-called FLOTUS left Cheeto for Mar-a-Lago, Merry Christmas! Liberal Supreme Ruth Bader Ginsburg had masses removed from her lungs and she seemed fine after the procedure. In…


CrabDiving – Mon 121718 – Comey Trashed GOP Team Treason & The Green New Deal Is Popular

comey trashed gop team treason

Former FBI Director James Comey trashed GOP team treason and the Republicans’ mentally ill rehashing of emails, Benghazi and lock-her-up garbage. A vast majority of Democrats, along with some Republicans, show support of the Green New Deal. Faux News talking…
