CrabDiving – Wed 050819 – Billion Dollar Loser Trump & House Committee Votes Barr In Contempt

billion dollar loser Trump

The billion dollar loser Trump received a crapload of criticism for horrendous real estate dealings discovered in Cheeto’s recently-revealed tax docs from the 80s and 90s. The treasonous White House cried executive privilege rather than submit Mueller Report materials to…


CrabDiving – Tue 050719 – Trump Ordered McGahn To Defy A Congressional Subpoena & Scary Violent Militia

trump blames military

Crooked Trump ordered McGahn to defy a congressional subpoena. Stocks took a nosedive after Cheeto’s threat of more Chinese tariffs. Economists at the Department of Agriculture were punished by Trump stooge Sonny Perdue for telling the truth about the effect…


CrabDiving – Mon 050619 – Trump Complained About The Kentucky Derby Following Rules & Really Racist Georgia Town

trump tweet kentuky derby 050619

Trump complained about the Kentucky Derby on Twitter over the weekend and of course, there was a marvelous spelling error. Hundreds of federal prosecutors signed a letter stating the only reason Cheeto has not been charged with a crime, based…
