Goebbles LARPer Stephen Miller taking over immigration is quite the tragedy for America and the rest of the planet. Trump once phoned the folks at Morning Joe begging them to take it easy on Miller after the slimy racist said…
Family separator Kirstjen Nielsen resigned and surely she will be replaced by something even more heinous and fascist. Trump pitched a fit when immigration officials said he could not break the law and close our borders. When Shitler visited the…
The Biden joke ruffled feathers and the Crabs played audio clips of Joe’s ill-timed joke at the start of what was a rousing speech to the electricians’ union. Trump lawyers are fighting to keep Shitler’s tax returns secret. Cheeto surely…
The Barr summary frustrates the Mueller Team and, much to the chagrin of Trump, they are starting to speak out. Cheeto raged that the New York Times was acting “illegally” when the paper reported on Mueller’s objections to Barr’s crap…
On this episode of the progressive podcast, Trump claims windmill noise causes cancer. Ancient GOP skesis Chuck Grassley disagreed with Cheeto’s windmill theory, characterizing it as “idiotic.” A columnist described Joe Biden’s behavior as “benevolent sexism.” The House Judiciary committee…