CrabDiving – Fri 111618 – Trump Questioning Pence’s Loyalty & CNN’s Acosta Gets His Pass Back

trump questioning pence's loyalty

Progressive Stacey Abrams acknowledged her loss in the Georgia gubernatorial race to cheater and vote suppressor Brian Kemp. Racist Mississippi Republican Cindy Hyde Smith said it would be good to suppress the liberal vote. Jim Acosta got his White House…


CrabDiving – Thu 111518 – Evil Mega-Corp Facebook Smeared Soros & Ben Carson Sucks At His Job

facebook smeared soros

The evil mega-corp Facebook smeared Soros to cover up its Russian meddling complicity. The timing of Trump’s latest trashing of the Mueller probe could be an indication of yuuuge Russia news. Trump and Co. ominously claimed they have broad discretion to regulate…


CrabDiving – Wed 111418 – Trump’s Voter Fraud Disguise Theory & Nick Ayers May Replace John Kelly

Trump voter fraud disguise theory.

Fascist Trump’s voter fraud disguise theory was soundly laughed at on this episode of the CrabDiving progressive podcast. Mother’s Husband’s chief of staff could take Kelly’s job in the Orange Nazi White House. Republi-twunt Florida representative Matt Gaetz urged  GOP…


CrabDiving – Tue 111318 – Taxpayers Funding Amazon’s Helipad & Gosh, Why Are Hate Crimes Rising?

Taxpayers Funding Amazon's Helipad

The taxpayers funding Amazon’s helipad is total crapola and the Crabs unloaded upon oligarch Jeff Bezos with the intensity of 69 suns. Trump announced yet another shake-up in his fascist banana administration which could mean walking papers to family-separator extraordinaire Kirstjen Nielsen.…
