CrabDiving – Wed 011117 – Trump Press Conference & Jeff Sessions Craps On Secularists

Trump press conference

The insane Trump press conference was covered on this episode of CrabDiving. Our nation’s top spies decided it was in the country’s best interest to release an unsubstantiated dossier regarding Russia’s influence in the 2016 Presidential Election. The Crabs discussed…


CrabDiving – Mon 010917 – Loathsome Kellyanne Conway & Bringing Down Breitbart

loathsome kellyanne conway

We learned the loathsome Kellyanne Conway will become even more so after Shitler assumes the Presidency. The Crabs chatted about nepotism and Jared Kushner. Selfless actress Meryl Streep took a stand against Trump and hate during her award acceptance speech…


CrabDiving – Fri 010617 – Trump Intelligence Briefing & Barbaric Christo-Twunts Murder Their Child

trump intelligence briefing

The much awaited Trump intelligence briefing happened at the exact time the Crabs recorded this episode of Faithless Friday. Speaking of the report, we learned once and for all that Russia hacked the living crap out of our election. There was…


CrabDiving – Thu 010516 – Russian Hacking Senate Hearing & Trump Wanted Wikileaks Death Penalty

Putin spellchecks trump tweets - CrabDiving

The Russian hacking senate hearing is mused upon on this episode of CrabDiving. Hate crime charges were filed against the four vile teens that detained and tortured a special needs person. Small-brained GOP loon Dana Rohrabacher started packing his suitcase…
