CrabDiving – Tue 122016 – Idiots Blame Merkel For Terrorism & Obama Protects Baby-Eating Atheists!

Idiots blame merkel for terrorism

Stupid RWNJ idiots blame Merkel for terrorism that took place in Germany this week. The Crabs learned the FBI was full of crap in regards to the subpoena that decided the 2016 Presidential Election. Tin foil hat donner extraordinaire, Alex…


The Hollywood Hick – Fri 110416 – Beyonce Got Hate After CMA Performance & Mariah Carey Dumped

squealing fake news sites

The mother-truckin’ presidential election is almost over and the Hollywood Hick couldn’t be happier cuz he’s sick of looking at that “orange pumpkin head.” Louis C.K. Conan’s appearance, where the comedian endorsed Hillary Clinton, is reviewed. The Hick asserted that…
