CrabDiving – Wed 120716 – Weather Channel Breitbart Smack & Glenn Beck Says Palin Has Brain Aneurysm

weather channel breitbart smack

The Weather Channel Breitbart smackdown is covered on this episode of this installment of CrabDiving. The orange a-hole face tapped a climate change skeptic to lead the Environment Protection Agency. Well-dressed conservative blowhard broadcaster Glenn Beck proliferated misinformation while blaming the…


CrabDiving – Tue 120616 – Trump Boeing Tweet & Adult Swim Finally Axed White Supremacist Show

trump tweet boeing

The Trump Boeing tweet is hilariously dissected on this episode of the CrabDiving Podcast. A spokesman for Shitler claimed the President-Elect has sold all his stocks. We learned the Pentagon buried evidence of $125 billion in wasteful spending. German leader…


CrabDiving – Mon 120516 – Pizzagate Fake Scandal & Black Santa Is Perfectly Fine

The ridiculous pizzagate fake scandal was covered on the CrabDiving political podcast on Monday’s episode. GOP lawmaker Kevin McCarthy said he was not down with Trump’s proposed tariffs. Serial rapist Bill Cosby got dealt a blow to his flimsy defense of…
