CrabDiving – Thu 092216 – Paleo-Feminism & Keith Scott Murder Tape Not Released


The Crabs discovered paleo-feminism rules Madame Secretary unprepared for battle. Charlotte Police Chief said the video of Keith Lamont Scott being shot to death may not be released to the public. Professional twunt, Arkansas state Senator Jason Rapert proved he does not understand the First Amendment as evidenced…


The Daily Upper Decker – Wed 092116 – Giants Racist Tweets & Brangelina Divorce

On this episode of the Daily Upper Decker sports podcast, comedians Adam Feuerberg and Brady Matthews are back in the studio with host Tommy Gimler, and the three gentlemen discuss:  More shitdickery from Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler.  The quickly-growing legend…


CrabDiving – Wed 092116 – Elizabeth Warren Attacks Evil Banksters & Don King Stumps For Trump

elizabeth warren attacks

Elizabeth Warren attacks evil banksters on this episode of the progressive podcast, CrabDiving. The orange a-hole face sports a tiny, pink boner for “stop and frisk”.  In news of pervy political fails, Anthony Weiner busted wide open for sexting a teenager. Apparently,…


CrabDiving – Mon 091916 – Trump Hates Freedom of Expression & Glenn Beck Whitesplains

trump hates freedom of expression

So Trump hates freedom of expression in addition to all the other rights he poo-poos. Corrupt Chris Christie knew about the bridge shenanigans as they happened.  Police caught the suspect in the recent New York and New Jersey bombings. North Carolina’s crooked…
