The Daily Upper Decker – Wed 091416 – NFL Preview & Phuck The Rams!

The Daily Upper Decker on the CrabDiving Network returns and comedian Tommy Gimler is finally back from interviewing Olympians, entertaining LLWS locals, promoting Harley and the Davidsons and yelling at Tough Mudder athletes as they ran through electricity by choice,…


CrabDiving – Fri 091616 – Trump Ended Birtherism & FLOTUS Four More Years!

trump ended birtherism

Trump ended birtherism when The Donald proclaimed definitively, but briefly our President is legitimate! FLOTUS gave a speech and her passionate supporters shout “four more years”. . . cue outrage! The orange a-hole face shared his secret reason for eating fast food. The GOP presidential candidate took a…


CrabDiving – Wed 091416 – Georgia Mosque Militia Threat & Powell Calls Benghazi Witch-Hunt

Georgia Mosque Militia Threat

The Georgia mosque militia threat is for realz and the Crabs covered the ridiculous redneck racist shenanigans. Americans admitted in polls that they trust the media less than before. New York’s Attorney General said he will go after Trump’s “charitable” organization. According to…


CrabDiving – Tue 091316 – Trump Foundation Fraud & Clinton Media Derangement


The Trump Foundation fraud could be the scandal that takes down the orange a-hole face, but who knows? Obama called Trump out for the loving statements the GOP presidential candidate made regarding Putin. Hillary Clinton is alive and kicking despite what a…
